Apple says supplies don't come from war zones NDTV For the latest technology news and reviews, like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter and get the NDTV Gadgets app for Android or iOS. Tags: Apple, Apple iPhone, iPad, iPhone, Macintosh. Tweet. Further Reading. Smartphone sales growth expected to ...
Bendy straw wine aerator knows no faux pas CNET Considering that gadgets galore have been, and continue to be, designed to appeal to the wine connoisseur, there is no reason straw-sippin', brown-baggin' oenophiles should have to suffer. The Fred & Friends Bendy Wine Aerator caters to all. The ...
Gadgets: Give your wrist a break with cushy mouse pad The GoSmart RestPad is furry computer accessory designed to sit on your desk. Aside from the great feel, it helps prevent wrist pain associated with the endless amount of daily hours we spend looking at computer screens and mousing, which results in ...
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