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Smart, but Sexy? Designers Play With Wearable Gadgets NBCNews.com Designers Play With Wearable Gadgets. By Keith Wagstaff. From Google Glass to smart watches, the tech industry is pushing connected clothing and accessories as the next big thing. The problem? Technology is only wearable if people actually want to wear ...
This Week On The TC Gadgets Podcast: All MWC Everything TechCrunch Reporters are drunkenly finding their way home from a long week in Barcelona, where the Mobile World Congress conference yielded a number of exciting new phones and tablets. Most notably, Samsung launched the Galaxy s5, Nokia launched a new ...
New, Wearable Gadgets Designed With Seniors — Not Whippersnappers — in ... TheBlaze.com Not all the new, techy gadgets are geared toward über runners and the athletic-minded. One company has created a wearable monitor that can masquerade as a watch or piece of jewelry, but allows families to keep tabs on the movement and sleep patterns ...
The Weekend Spend: Assassin's Creed, Thor and killer gadgets for less than £50 Stuff.tv Marvel's God of Thunder returns for another loopy space opera with fantasy overtones. This time around, he's doing battle with Christopher Eccleston's dark elf Malekith, who's trying to destroy the Nine Realms with a conjunction of… oh, just go with ...
Newlywed advice: Turn off your gadgets for quality time Green Bay Press Gazette Q. I recently saw that there's a new security flaw in Apple gadgets that lets anyone turn off the Find My iPhone feature. Is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening? A. The notable thing about this otherwise scary hack is that you can ...
Q&A: Turn off your gadgets for quality time USA TODAY Q. My wife and I are newlyweds and things are going great! However, we both are guilty of spending more time than we should on our smartphones. Is there some kind of app or program that might help couples to better monitor behavior so that quality time ...
Samsung most preferred amongst Android gadgets: Report Daily News & Analysis Samsung is at number one amongst most popular Android gadgets used by enterprise users, according to a report. The report from Mobile Device Management (MDM) Company Fiberlink revealed that Samsung stood at first place with 56 percent of the ...
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