Sleeping Laptops, Organized Gadgets, and a Better Number Pad - Lifehacker Lifehacker tips republished · Whitson Gordon PFollowOUnfollow 5/15/13 5:00pm 16 minutes ago g 318L 0Edit. Readers offer their best tips for putting your laptop to sleep, keeping your gadgets in one place, and making your keyboard's number pad better.
Twitter used to track personal health with wearable computing gadgets: CEO Twitter Inc. Chief Executive Officer Dick Costolo said the online service for 140-character messages is increasingly being used to track personal health with wearable computing gadgets such as Nike Inc.'s fitness devices. "People are readily tweeting ...
10 Silly Car Gadgets You Have to See to Believe Fox Business Most of us log a lot of hours in our cars these days, commuting, chauffeuring kids, running errands. To make things a little easier, the auto accessory industry is here to help, manufacturing all kinds of gadgets to use while you're on the go. Some ...
Gadgets: Get your photos, slides digitized with simple service After my mom sent boxes of my family's photo albums years ago we found a nice space on my closet shelf with hope of one day digitizing them. Ten years or so later, one of the boxes has finally seen the digital era, with no thanks to my scanning ability.
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